Mr Pacific Valves

March News

March news

March has been a very productive month for Mr Pacific Valves.

We have been working hard with overseas manufacturers to secure a WRAS Approved Plug valve.

We aim to become the UK’s largest distributor by stocking a large selection of sizes that will be readily available.

We are currently entering our 26th year as the UK’s distributor of the GT Rack and pinion Pneumatic actuator.

We have supplied vast quantities throughout the UK and European market ranging from the food production sector through to chemical processing.

The GT actuator is still one of the markets leading pneumatic actuator to this day, due to its cost effectiveness and simple design.

As well as securing new products to inflate our stock, we are actively streamlining our business structure to keep in line with the current and progressive world of business.

We work tirelessly to ensure our current clients are serviced to the standards they expect, and welcome all new clients with the same standards and quality of products.